Monday, June 25, 2012


I know, I know... this blog is supposed to be dedicated to DIVAS (aka women) and dance music... but... there are SO many lesbatarians who look like Justin Bieber AND I'm PRETTY sure that he is the most done celeb for drag kings since Boy George! (lol)  Anyhoo, for those of you who have not bought this album, DO SO IMMEDIATELY!  For those of you who haven't heard any of the songs, "Boyfriend" has been BLOWING UP the radio waves.  When I first heard it, I thought, "Ooo, a touch of Justin Timberlake, but with some newer beats, yes MA'AM!  Who is this?"  And then the DJ said, "And that was Justin Bieber with 'Boyfriend.'"  My heart sank a little, but luckily, I'm not a prideful boy, and so I brushed it all off and conceded that I was now a "Belieber."

NOW, ladies and gents, this is a crazy awesome album!  I will NEVER make fun of BET for nominating the Biebs for awards again.  He is CERTAINLY the next coming of Justin Timberlake, and hopefully he won't forgo his amazing music making talents for crappy movies like "Friends with Benefits" or was he in "No Strings Attached?"  Eh, it was a movie about silly relationships with one of the girls from Black Swan.

Currently listening to "All Around the World" (yes I've listened to the ENTIRE album) but I am STUCK on this track!  This album is crazy well produced.  When I listen all I want to do is get my "crunk on;)"  But going to another track, another one of my faves is "Die in Your Arms."  Oooo chile, he's taking it back to some good ole SOUL music.  He is giving me MOTOWN REALNESS!  And his voice?  Gasp, he no longer sounds like one of the girls from Toddlers and Tiaras.  

A friend of mine the other day said that there are a lot of disgustingly talent people out there right now, but no geniuses, like Michael Jackson (a game changer who lived on another level).  For example (don't hate me) but Beyonce is DISGUSTINGLY talented, but a game changing genius... not really.  Justin Bieber just might be this generation's genius.  I'm in love... now just to get him to fall for me... (evil laugh).

You can buy Justin Bieber's album Believe on ITunes, or at wherever CDs and music are sold.

Monday, June 18, 2012

90's REALNESS from Ms. Gordon

Hello all of you fun loving kids,

I've decided to start my own blog talking about all of the great music that I find.  I currently live in Nashville, TN which is not only the home to country and Christian music (not that I have a problem with either... I am a good little boy who loves him some Jesus, and I happen to LOVE LOVE LOVE me some Dolly), but also to the most pretentious music in the world.  I love music that has a great beat, fabulous singing, and catchy melodies that get stuck in your head forever and ever AAAAAMEN!  Now, normally I love a good diva, but I listen to the divos as well;)  And my first DIVA to LOVE is Ms. Wynter Gordon.  HONEY!  Such a voice and that hair!  Wish I could pull off a fro (LOLs)!  Please check out her latest video, I found on another great blog here:
But check out the video here:
She is giving me 90's diva REALNESS!

PS, anyone else CRAZAY excited for Rupal's Drag U tonight???